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Acofill M50

Non-Shrink Mortar

Product Description


Acofill M50 is the cement-based non-shrink mortar which has self-flowing property, early intensity development and increased final intensity; it is specially manufactured for anchoring, positioning, holding, installing and repairing concrete in construction works


  •  Bolt positioning

  •  Anchoring precast structural column base

  •  Anchoring mechanical equipment to the foundation

  •  Anchoring bridge bearings and beams

  •  Anchoring machine base, rail base, holding pipes through the floor

  • Fill joints, joints, gaps, voids, and wall cavities

Technical Specification


  •  Mix dry mortar with water according to appropriate mixing ratio when using

  •  Viscosity can be adjusted

  •  Good flow, can be pumped by pump

  •  No shrinkage when curing

  •  No water separation

  •  Resistant to impact and vibration

  •  Non-toxic

  •  High adhesion strength

  •  High compressive strength

  •  Can add clean crushed stone when constructing

Download Product Specification Sheet

Health and Environment Protection

  • The product is non-toxic when transported

  • Acofill M50 is a cement-based product, so it is alkaline and can cause dust when mixed. Gloves, mask and protective equipment must be worn when applying

  • Avoid splashing into eyes and contact with skin: If splashing into eyes: rinse eyes with clean water several times; apply eye drops and seek medical advice; If contact with skin: promptly clean the exposed area with clean water

  • Keep out of reach of children

  • Do not dispose of into water sources, comply with regulations on hazardous waste disposal

Using Instructions

Surface Preparation

  • The surface must be clean; free of grease, concrete debris and other impurities

  • Steel surface must be cleaned of rust and grease

  • Absorbent surfaces must be saturated with water but must not allow standing water


  • Mortar and water must be measured separately with appropriate ratio for each purpose. Slowly pour mortar into water, simultaneously with stirring, mix by machine at speed 300 - 6,500 rpm

  • If adding crushed stone, the stone must be clean and the amount of stone added must be calculated to achieve the desired grade


  • Before construction, the mortar must be thoroughly mixed and all air that has entered the mortar during mixing must be expelled

  • The mortar must be applied as quickly as possible to achieve high efficiency, while the flow of the mortar must be kept continuous by maintaining a suitable pressure clumn (when the flow of the mortar is interrupted, air will enter the mortar mass);

  • The formwork must be firmly closed and watertight


  • The mortar surface must be kept moist (e.g. covered with wet burlap) to avoid premature dehydration of the mortar mass

  • The curing period is at least 7 days

Cleaning Tools

  • Tools must be cleaned with water immediately after use

  • Dried material can only be cleaned with a grinder

Physical Parameter

For any information related to the product, please contact adchem's sales or the technical department

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