Acopox SL828
Solvent Free, High Gloss, Self-Levelling Epoxy Flooring
Product Description
Acopox SL828 is a two components high performance Epoxy self-leveling floor coating, typically applied at 1-3mm thickness. This flooring provides a hygienic, dust free floor with excellent mechanical and chemical resistance. The finished floor is high glossy, seamless, and completely impermeable
Features and Benefits
Good self leveling properties
Good impact and abrasion resistance
Solvent Free, Non flammable
Low odor, low VOC
Good adhesion to various substrates
Good chemical resistance
Easy to clean and maintainant
Technical Data
Acopox SL828 is widely used on industrial and commercial floors in laboratories, food & beverage, chemical processing, pharmaceutical, schools, plant rooms, factories, engineering workshops, hospital clean rooms and many more applications
Health and Safety
Health and safety data sheet is available on request. It is recommended that rubber gloves are worn during product application
Physical Properties
Download Product Specification Sheet
Application Instructions
Surface Preparation
Sub-floor preparation is highly important with products of this nature. The sub-floor should be free of oil, grease, laitance and other contaminants which may affect adhesion. It is recommended that the floor is mechanically prepared (i.e. Shot-blasting, grinding, scrabbling) to provide a clean sound base for installation of the Acopox SL828. New concrete must be allowed to cure for at least 28 days and the floor should have a maximum slope of 5%. Sound sub floor construction is essential
All sub floors must be primed and sealed with Acopox 617 or 618 Solvent Free Epoxy Primer prior to the application of Acopox SL828
The primer is applied by roller or brush ensuring a continuous film over the whole floor
Acopox SL828 is supplied as a two component system comprising resin, curing agent. Best results will be obtained by using a mechanical mixer, either a paddle fixed to an electric drill, or a forced action mixer. Add the curing agent B to the pigmented epoxy resin A and mix thoroughly until a smooth uniform colour is obtained
Pour the mixed product onto the sub floor and spread to the required thickness using a notched trowel to cover the area uniformly. Within a few minutes of trowel ling, a nylon spiked roller should be run across the laid Acopox SL828 to remove and trapped air. It may be necessary to run the roller across the screed after another 10 minutes to remove any new bubbles. Take care not to roller areas of the Acopox SL828 which have already started to cure sufficiently to retain the imprint of the spikes
Expansion Joints
All existing joints in the substrate should be followed through into the Acopox SL828
Curing Time and Working Time
Once mixed, the product has approximately 30 – 40 minutes working time. Allow the Acopox SL828 to cure for at least 2-3 days before allowing full traffic, and the floor should be left for 7 days before full chemical resistance is achieved
Cleaning of Tools
Use IFS Solvent or any strong solvent to clean tools and equipment
For any information related to the product, please contact adchem's sales or the technical department
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