Elastoseal P100
One-Part Polyurethane Joint Sealant
Product Description
Elastoseal P100 is a one-part, gun-grade, non-staining, polyurethane sealant which cures at ambient temperature to a firm, flexible tear-resistant rubber. It is highly resilient and has excellent recovery characteristics after extended periods of compression or elongation
Applicable Standard
Federal Specification TT-S-230c. Type II, Class A. ASTM C-920-87, Type S, Class 25, Use NT, M, and A
Typical Uses
For sealing and caulking all joints that are subject to contraction and expansion. Bonds to concrete, wood, glass, and metal
Containers that have been opened must be used up within one or two days since it is a moisture-reactive material. It sets up when exposed to air. All surfaces must be completely free of foreign matter
**White color may discolor from exposure to U.V. and also from fluorescent light.**
Concrete Grey, Aluminum Grey, Limestone, White, Tan, Off-White
Packaging Sizes
Available in 5-gallon pails, 10.5 oz. cartridges and 20.3 oz. (600ml) sausages
Polyurethane based joint sealant
Warnings and hazards:
Technical Data
Download Product Specification Sheet
Before using the products, always refer to MSDS for important warnings and safety information. Use only in areas with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapors. Keep away from heat and flame. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. In the event of skin contact, remove immediately and wash with warm, soapy water. Wear suitable eye protection. Always wash hands before eating
Surface Preparation
All joints must be absolutely clean. For concrete, sandblasting is recommended. All curing compounds, old caulks, grease, waterproofing compounds, etc., must be removed. For non-porous surfaces such as glass, metal, etc, cleaning with M.E.K. or Toluene is recommended. Polyethylene rod or polyurethane foam is recommended as a joint-filler and back-up material. Fillers treated with bituminous products, grease or oil, should not be used. Where present, they must be removed or separated by vinyl tape or polyethylene film. Some surfaces may require the primer
Joint Design
Suitable for all properly designed joints following accepted engineering practices. Joint width must be a minimum of 4 times the anticipated movement
Apply by caulking gun, hand-pressure-type, or pour from container. Bulk sealant can be applied by pumping equipment, trowel or putty knife. Press firmly into joint to assure good contact to the sides of the joint. Best if applied at temperatures below 100°F
Product Warranty
Satisfactory results depend not only upon quality products but also upon factors beyond our control; methods of application and site conditions are examples of such factors and can affect product performance. This warranty consequently extends only to products installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. It is the users responsibility to satisfy himself, by his own information and tests, of the suitability of the product for his own intended use; user assumes all risk and liability resulting from his use of the product. The substrate to which the product is applied must be sound structurally and otherwise. Structural or substrate failures or imperfections resulting in damage to or failure of the product are not covered by this warranty. Since the use of the product is beyond the control of the manufacturer, the manufacturer assumes no liability for misapplication and misuse of the product
This warranty does not cover consequential damages, nor does it cover the labor attendant to replacing product in the event of a product failure. The warranty only extends to replacement of the product itself
All products proven to be defective in manufacture will be replaced at no charge. Since the use of these products is beyond our control we cannot assume any risk or liability for results obtained, nor can we accept damages in excess of the purchase price of these products
If Elastoseal P100 is damaged, and the joint has not been contaminated, it can be repaired by cutting out that part and resealing it with Elastoseal P100
Technical Services
All of the latest updates to product data and specifications are available upon request. Since product data and specifications change, it is the user responsibility to make certain the most current versions of product data and specifications are being used
For any information related to the product, please contact adchem's sales or the technical department
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