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Eposeal 833

Epoxy Resin Compound for Injecting Damp Cracks

Product Description

Eposeal 833 is a solvent-free, 2-component Epoxy resin compound with low viscosity, specialized for injecting, repairing damp cracks and restoring strength to concrete structures such as floors, beams, columns, foundations, ceiling, beam, retaining wall by pressure pump or pouring method. It forms a high-strength adhesive layer, restoring strength to the entire concrete block. It meets ASTM C-881 standards types I, II, IV & V, level 1, section B&C and also meets USDA specifications for using in food processing areas



  • Low viscosity, easy to apply

  • Light odor, eco-friendly, non-flammable

  • High adhesion strength, can be applied on wet surfaces

  • Allows a long construction period, suitable for tropical climates

  • Resistant to many chemicals

  • High modulus, high strength, high self-flow and permeable abilities

Technical Specification

Safety and Health Protection

  • Keep out of children

  • Eposeal 833 is corrosive. Personal protective equipment is necessary when applying

  • Avoid stuck to skin and eyes: If stuck into eyes: rinse eyes several times with clean water for at least 10 minutes and get medical assistance quickly; If stuck to skin: wash immediately with soap and clean water

Download Product Specification Sheet

Physical Properties (7 days in 25°C)

Using Instructions

Surface Preparation

  • All surfaces to be applied must be free of water pressure and completely clean of dirt, loose particles, grease, oil, paint, waxes and other materials which would prevent an optimal bond, vacuum or blow dust away by the air compressor


  • Pour empty the component B into the component A. Mix thoroughly and scraping the sides of can to ensure completely blending of components. Mix two components until uniformly color and avoid air entrapment. Mix only the amount of epoxy that can be applied within the product’s pot life


  • After being mixed and leftover, Eposeal 833 will release heat, especially in large quantities. Dry sand must be poured into the container of leftover to reduce heat. Do not pour the leftover Eposeal 833 into drains or ponds

Construction Methods

Crack Injecting method:

Use a 1 - 2 hopper pressure pump or a hand-held pump gun or plastic syringe to inject cracks. Be careful when placing the needle over the surface of the crack, making sure the crack is not clogged with debris and mud. Seal the pump nipple tightly with Acobond E68. Wait for the sealant to cure to its full strength. Proceed to inject Eposeal 833. When pumping, always start from the lowest position, pumping until the glue flows. Seal the adjacent pump nipples if there is glue coming out and continue pumping at the pumping nipple until the pressure rises or the crack is filled with glue

Pouring into cracks method:

If the crack penetrates to the bottom surface, cut the crack into a V-shape and fill the crack on bottom of the floor before pouring glue. Fill the crack with Eposeal 833 until the crack is completely filled with glue


  • Do not dilute with solvent when applying

  • Do not construct when the concrete temperature is below 5°C within 24 hours

  • Do not fill the cracks under water pressure

  • Do not heat Epoxy by direct heating

Clean Tools

  • Clean construction equipment with Tuolene or Xylene solvent

  • Stay away from flammable places when cleaning, avoid inhaling solvent odors or letting solvents come into contact with skin. If solvent gets on skin, immediately clean with clean water and soap

For any information related to the product, please contact adchem's sales or the technical department

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