Flexifoam PU200
One Component Semi Hard Polyurethane Injection Grout
Product Description
Flexifoam PU 200 is one component hydrophobic water-active polyurethane injection grout, after injected it reach and re-acts with water inside the leaking structures and starts to form foam and expand quickly, stops the water leak within a very short period of time. Flexifoam PU 200 is semi hard foam. It is recommended to use stop leak and filling large cavernous spaces and cracks in concrete structures
Typical Uses
Stop leaking underground concrete structures
(cracks and honeycom) -
Expansion joint
Concrete pipes
Water tanks
Elevator pits
Basement ceiling and walls
Floors and other similar structures
High flow ability
Fast re-act with water
Non shrinkage
Highly penetration
1 component, no catalyst requirement
Easy handle and application
Widely application
Fast expansion
Low V.O.C
Chloride free
Technical Specification
Physical Properties
Download Product Specification Sheet
For any information related to the product, please contact adchem's sales or the technical department
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